Recent Fire Damage Posts

Be Ember Aware: Wildfire Safety Tips for Oxnard Residents

6/14/2024 (Permalink)

Here in Oxnard, sunny days are practically a guarantee. But with that sunshine comes an increased risk of wildfires. These unpredictable blazes can threaten our homes, families, and community. While we can't control the weather, SERVPRO of Oxnard wants to empower you to be prepared. Here are some crucial wildfire safety tips to remember:

Be Ready:

  • Know Your Risk: Ventura County experiences high wildfire dangers. Familiarize yourself with wildfire maps and evacuation zones. ""
  • Make a Plan: Create a wildfire evacuation plan with your family. Designate a meeting spot and discuss escape routes. Practice your plan twice a year. Include pets in your considerations! ""
  • Assemble a Go-Bag: Pack a backpack for each family member with essentials like water, non-perishable food, medications, important documents, and a change of clothes. Don't forget a flashlight, batteries, and a whistle! ""

Be Set:

  • Stay Informed: Sign up for Ventura County Alert ( to receive critical updates during wildfires.
  • Monitor Conditions: Keep an eye on weather forecasts and fire danger ratings. Look for signs of approaching fire like smoke or embers.

Be Go:

  • Evacuation Orders: If a mandatory evacuation is issued, leave immediately. Don't wait! Remember, time is of the essence.
  • Evacuation Warnings: Be prepared to evacuate if conditions worsen. Pack your go-bag and have your car fueled up.

Fireproof Your Home:

  • Clear Brush and Debris: Create a fire defensible space around your home by removing flammable materials like leaves, branches, and dead vegetation within 30 feet of your house.
  • Maintain Roof and Gutters: Keep your roof free of debris and clean your gutters regularly. Embers can easily collect in clogged gutters, igniting a fire.
  • Trim Trees: Overhanging branches can act as fire ladders, allowing flames to reach your house. Trim branches away from your house and power lines.

After the Fire:

  • Stay Away: Don't return home until authorities say it's safe. Re-entering a fire zone can be dangerous due to unstable structures, lingering embers, and hazardous air quality.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Oxnard: Fire can cause significant smoke and water damage. Our team is highly trained in fire restoration and can help you get back on your feet.

By following these tips and working together, we can all be better prepared for wildfires in Oxnard. Remember, SERVPRO of Oxnard is always here to help our community recover from disaster. Stay safe, Oxnard!

Oxnard Smoke Detectors

8/2/2022 (Permalink)

Having functioning fire alarms in your house is one if the most important things you can do to stay prepared if a fire did happen. It is a small item that can tend to be overlooked but with just a few minutes of your time it could save yours and your families lives.

According to, here is why smoke alarms are so important and where in your home they should be placed 

Why Are Smoke Alarms Important?

Every year in the United States, about 2,000 people lose their lives in residential fires. During a fire, smoke and deadly gases tend to spread further and faster than heat. This is one reason why most fire victims die from inhalation of smoke and toxic gases, not from burns. A majority of fatal fires happen when families are asleep because occupants are unaware of the fire until there is not adequate time to escape. A smoke alarm stands guard around the clock, and when it first senses smoke, it sounds a shrill alarm. This often allows a family the precious, but limited, time needed to escape. About two-thirds of home fire deaths occur in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.  Properly installed and maintained smoke alarms are considered to be one of the best and least expensive means of providing an early warning of a potentially deadly fire and could reduce by almost half the risk of dying from a fire in your home. 

Where Should Smoke Alarms be Installed? 

Smoke alarms should be installed on every level of the home, outside sleeping areas, and inside bedrooms A smoke alarm should be installed and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions. When installing a smoke alarm, many factors influence where you will place the alarm, including how many are to be installed.  Consider placing alarms along your escape path to assist in egress in limited-visibility conditions. In general, you should place alarms in the center of a ceiling or, if you place them on a wall, they should be near the ceiling.

Wildfire Season Is Here

8/1/2022 (Permalink)

Wind and heat only equates to one thing for the residents of the Victor Valley: wildfire season is upon us and ready to get to work early this year. SERVPRO of Oxnard know a thing or two about wildfire season, which is exactly why we want to share some hot tips (the pun was too easy to pass on) with our readers to make sure that even with fire season in full swing, you’ll stay cool as a cucumber.

To clarify for those who may not be familiar with our services, SERVPRO is an international fire and water restoration service provider. We handle things like flood and house fire damage for insurance companies and individuals alike. We have been in business for over 50 years and in that time, we have seen just about everything you can imagine. California’s weather seems to creep in earlier and earlier every year, but the steps we recommend haven’t changed.

  1. Keep your rain gutters and yard free of combustible debris: Yes, that includes dead leaves. This debris works as an excellent fuel for fire. Time to have little Billy earn that allowance he keeps hounding you for!
  2. Keep fire extinguishers nearby high-risk areas: This includes kitchens, grills, fireplaces, and any other place where an open flame can quickly spread.
  3. If all else fails, call SERVPRO: Fires are awful but they certainly happen. In the event of a fire, give SERVPRO Oxnard a call. We have the knowledge and experience to restore your home or business to preloss conditions and make it “Like it never even happened.”

Oxnard Fire!

3/21/2022 (Permalink)

Male crew member assessing fire damage SERVPRO of Oxnard can make your fire damage "Like it never even happened"

When a fire ignites in a Oxnard home or business, SERVPRO of Oxnard is prepared to help make the fire “Like it never even happened,” by employing our 7-step fire restoration process. We’ve seen firsthand the effects that fires can have on properties as well as the lives of the people who live or work in them. It is of the utmost importance to us that we help our customers pick up the pieces and return to business as usual as soon as possible. Fires can be accompanied by distress and chaos, but by calling SERVPRO and trusting our thorough, 7-step method for restoring fire damage, you can relax. To learn more about each step of our fire restoration process, keep reading. It begins with your phone call.

  1. Emergency Contact

All it takes is one phone call to begin fire damage restoration services for your home or business. Make SERVPRO your first call after the fire has been extinguished so that we can design a plan of action tailored to your property’s specific needs. With this information in mind, we will make sure that we arrive on the site quickly, outfitted with the resources and equipment suitable for your home or business.

  1. Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment

Upon arrival, our experienced fire damage team will examine your property in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the scope of the damage. When our team of fire damage experts arrives on the scene, they will survey the extent of the property’s fire damage. Depending on the scope of the fire, smoke, and soot loss, we will craft the most effective restoration plan for your home or business.

  1. Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Services

As a result of a fire, roofs, windows, and doors can undergo damage, which can compromise other areas of the property, leaving them susceptible to additional damage. Therefore, our team will place boards and tarps overexposed areas in order to further protect your home or business.

  1. Water Removal and Drying

Water damage can be the product of the process of extinguishing the fire with water. If your property has experienced this type of water damage, our team will make sure to thoroughly remove all of the water present. First, we will tackle standing water. Then, we will use dehumidifiers and air movers to get rid of the remaining water. Both of these actions will guarantee that your home or business will be thoroughly dried.

  1. Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces

After a fire, there is often smoke and soot residue present on various surfaces, such as ceilings and walls. This step in our fire restoration process involves removing all traces of smoke and soot, which we accomplish with our specialized equipment.

  1. Cleaning and Sanitizing

Following the removal of smoke and soot, our focus is cleaning and sanitizing objects that have survived the fire. For every item that we can salvage, we will use our wide array of cleaning techniques to clean, sanitize, and disinfect them. We will also utilize our fogging equipment and industrial scrubbers to get rid of odors. Above all, we aim to provide your home or business with an exceptional clean.

  1. Restoration

The culminating step in our fire restoration process is completing any repair work necessary to restore your home or business to its condition before the fire. This work can range from minor repairs to major repairs. Minor repairs often entail anything from installing new carpet to replacing drywall or giving a room a fresh coat of paint. As for major repairs, we may rebuild or restore particular rooms or areas of the home or business that have been significantly damaged. In the end, we will have your property looking as good as new.

In Need of Fire Damage Restoration? We’re Only a Call Away

After a devastating fire, you need a team that you can trust to quickly and efficiently restore your home or business for a speedy return to normalcy. Remember that SERVPRO is ready to help and only one, quick call away. A fire can be stressful, regardless of whether it occurs in your home or your business. Our 7-step fire restoration process will ensure that every aspect of restoring your property is followed through completely. If your home or business has experienced a fire, be sure to call SERVPRO of Oxnard at 805-984-2347.

SERVPRO Tackles Fire Cleanup For Your Oxnard Home

11/3/2021 (Permalink)

Fire damage brings many challenges.

There is damage from the flames and smoke, water or extinguishing agents and odor. The proper cleanup for all of these factors must happen before any rebuilding, or structural restorations begin.

When our SERVPRO team takes on fire cleanup in a Oxnard home, we first scope the room to access the scale of the damage and contain the area if there are unaffected portions of the property. Then we immediately remove items too charred or otherwise in non-restorable condition because at that point they contribute nothing but odor.

We work with both the homeowner and the insurance adjuster and keep them informed with each phase of our restoration so we can stay within the parameters of what insurance covers as well as the budget. We take time during cleaning to ensure it is correctly mitigated to avoid additional damages such as mold from water not removed or foul odors from soot.

Our technicians remove all the debris and work on extraction of water or removal of fire extinguisher residue using handheld vacuums with HEPA filtration to capture to the tiny soot particles. If the odor-causing particulates are not removed or neutralized unpleasant smoke odors remain.

Ventilation is a key component during fire loss restoration, even during the drying phase to remove any remaining moisture. After drying, any areas affected by the fire are both cleaned and disinfected.

SERVPRO technicians have many certifications in the restoration sciences, among them is Odor Control. Soot smaller than the human eye can see can cause foul odors, and is most often found embedded in porous building materials and home contents.

We have equipment ranging from machines that capture and eradicate odorous particulate at the molecular level such as Hydroxyl Generators or Ozone machines. Our technicians also have manual applications to fight fire odors such as thermal fogging that travels throughout the smoke-affected areas and neutralizes odors that have permeated deeply within porous materials. When our technicians finish with the mitigation of the fire loss, the property is left ready for rebuilding with no reminders of the fire.

Contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Oxnard at (805)-984-2347. Our emergency response crew is available 24/7 to make the fire loss in your home “Like it never even happened.”

Click here for more about Oxnard.

SERVPRO aborda la limpieza de incendios para su hogar en Oxnard

11/3/2021 (Permalink)

El daño por incendio trae muchos desafíos. Hay daños por las llamas y el humo, el agua o los agentes extintores y el olor. La limpieza adecuada para todos estos factores debe ocurrir antes de que comience cualquier reconstrucción o restauración estructural.

Cuando nuestro equipo de SERVPRO se encarga de la limpieza de incendios en una casa de Oxnard,  primero exploramos la habitación para acceder a la escala del daño y contener el área si hay partes no afectadas de la propiedad. Luego retiramos inmediatamente los artículos demasiado carbonizados o en condiciones no restaurables porque en ese punto no aportan nada más que olor.

Trabajamos tanto con el propietario como con el ajustador de seguros y los mantenemos informados con cada fase de nuestra restauración para que podamos mantenernos dentro de los parámetros de lo que cubre el seguro, así como el presupuesto. Nos tomamos el tiempo durante la limpieza para asegurarnos de que se mitigue correctamente para evitar daños adicionales, como el moho del agua no eliminada o los malos olores del hollín.

Nuestros técnicos eliminan todos los escombros y trabajan en la extracción de agua o la eliminación de residuos de extintores de incendios  utilizando aspiradoras de mano con filtración HEPA para capturar las diminutas partículas de hollín. Si las partículas que causan el olor no se eliminan o neutralizan los olores desagradables del humo permanecen.

La ventilación es un componente clave durante la restauración de la pérdida por incendio, incluso durante la fase de secado para eliminar la humedad restante. Después del secado, las áreas afectadas por el fuego se limpian y desinfectan.

Los técnicos de SERVPRO tienen muchas certificaciones en las ciencias de la restauración, entre ellas se encuentra el Control de Olores. El hollín más pequeño de lo que el ojo humano puede ver puede causar malos olores, y  se encuentra con mayor frecuencia incrustado en materiales de construcción porosos y contenido del hogar.

Contamos con equipos que van desde máquinas que capturan y erradican partículas olorosas a nivel molecular como Generadores de Hidroxilo o Máquinas de Ozono. Nuestros técnicos también tienen aplicaciones manuales para combatir los olores de los incendios, como el empañamiento térmico que viaja por las áreas afectadas por el humo y neutraliza los olores que han penetrado profundamente dentro de los materiales porosos. Cuando nuestros técnicos terminan con la mitigación de la pérdida por incendio, la propiedad se deja lista para la reconstrucción sin recordatorios del incendio.

Póngase en contacto con los professionales de SERVPRO  de  Oxnard al (805) -984-2347. Nuestro equipo de respuesta a emergencias está disponible las 24 semanas del día, los 7 días de la semana para hacer que la pérdida por incendio en su hogar "como si nunca hubiera sucedido".

Haga clic aquí  para obtener más información sobre  Oxnard

Oxnard Homeowners Should Never Do This Alone

9/10/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO techs inspecting smoke damage No one should ever go through this alone. SERVPRO of Oxnard can help at 805-984-2347

Fire damage brings several problems for a homeowner. Besides the direct damage from the fire, water damage from extinguishing the blaze plus the smoke residue and odor need addressing.

Fire smoke cleanup in your Oxnard home without proper equipment leaves your home open for secondary damages such as foul odors and mold. It is imperative to outsource the task to a professional mitigation company to avoid additional issues.

During the initial call, we gather information regarding the fire loss, and we often instruct the homeowner to avoid the area where the fire occurred and turn off the HVAC to prevent spreading soot in the ductwork.

When SERVPRO technicians arrive onsite, they test the smoke to see what kind of smoke is in the affected area of the home and contain the space to stop any further spreading of particles. Technicians remove objects and building materials too charred for restoration as they contribute only odors and the potential for spreading soot.

Depending on the type of smoke determined by testing, our technicians choose among three main kinds of cleaning methods: wet cleaning, dry cleaning, and peroxide-based cleaning.

Wet and dry cleaning uses sponges by hand or on poles and our proprietary formulas to attract soot to the sponge and remove it from walls and surfaces. Wet sponges work best with greasy films left behind by burned synthetic materials including plastic and rubber. Also, painted surfaces, wood and metal benefit from wet cleaning efforts. Dry sponges work on lighter, easier-to-remove smoke residues.

The application of peroxide-based cleaning happens on a case-by-case basis as it has the potential for bleaching. This method proves efficient for the removal of soot from acoustic ceiling tiles.

Once SERVPRO performs cleanup and disinfection on the fire loss areas, they inspect and clean the ductwork if needed. This action may include the use of professional equipment to neutralize lingering odors and filter change in the HVAC.

SERVPRO of Oxnard knows that even a small amount of fire damage leaves significant odors when inadequate fire smoke cleanup happens. Call us at (805) 984-2347, and our certified technicians will make your fire loss "Like it never even happened."

Click here for more about Oxnard.

We Can Help Prevent Oxnard Fire Damage Caused By Appliances

8/12/2021 (Permalink)

Improper Dryer Care Can Cause Fires in Your Oxnard Home

The appliances in your Oxnard home help to make life more comfortable but taking care of them and using them correctly is critical to a longer life and safe operation. Dryers, for example, can become dangerous if they do not get used properly, and this can result in disasters like fires occurring in the residence. Understanding how these situations happen and what can occur to restore the damage is essential knowledge for the modern homeowner.

While you might not think of your dryer as a source for fire damage in your Oxnard home, this disaster can occur more readily than most homeowners believe. Often, these combustions occur when the excessive heat (often upwards of 500 degrees or more) ignites lint or other loose debris within and around the drum. Preventing this situation from occurring is often little more than ensuring that between uses, the lint trap gets cleared of any collected buildup and that your ventilation discharge hose remains clear of buildup as well. We also inspect and can clean out the venting system for the appliance to increase efficiency and reduce potential fires.

Often homeowners are unaware of the severity of cleaning out their lint filters often, and fire can result. When a disaster like this occurs, the effects can spread far beyond the laundry area of your home and affect multiple rooms and floors. Our SERVPRO® of Oxnard professionals can arrive quickly to begin our thorough assessment of this damage to determine the best approach to restore it efficiently and cost-effectively.

From our initial mitigation work with packing out at-risk items and removing harmful particulates from the air inside your home to our licensed reconstruction contractors within our team that can rebuild overly damaged areas of your property, we offer a comprehensive package to our customers that make the restoration work as seamless and stress-free as possible.

Fires can begin from many sources, but appliances can easily ignite a blaze without the proper management and use

If you experience a disaster that damages your property, let our SERVPRO® of Oxnard rapid response team help you make it “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call today at (805) 984-2347.

Prevent Further Damage to Your Oxnard Home After a Fire

7/15/2021 (Permalink)

Let SERVPRO get you back to your life.

Fires can emanate from different areas of a home. Popular storage areas like attics, basements, and garages usually contain fire hazards like gasoline and other flammable liquids. After a fire, beginning the cleanup and restoration process immediately can minimize damage to your home and its contents.

The fire damage restoration process in Oxnard homes involves many things, including cleanup, rebuilding and deodorizing. At SERVPRO, we offer a wide range of services intended to bring a home back to the condition it was in before the fire. Water damage commonly occurs during the efforts to extinguish fires. Since fires are so destructive, the main thing homeowners think about is extinguishing the fire as fast as possible, regardless of the amount of water used.

It is critical to remove the water quickly to prevent mold infestation. Our technicians are trained to deal with water damage. We can use thermal imaging tools to find any moisture trapped in the walls and then use drying and dehumidifying equipment to dry the affected areas.

Soot and ash can also build up in your home after a fire, and they can ruin pipes, metals, and appliances. Soot is acidic and can ruin the surfaces it sits on. If a high oxygen fire damaged your home, we can use chemical dry sponges or dry-cleaning sponges to remove soot. If it was a low oxygen fire, we can use the wet sponge cleaning method to remove the soot. Smoke odors can be pervasive and may permeate into many areas of your home. SERVPRO franchise professionals can use thermal foggers to neutralize odor-causing particles.

Our top priority is to get your life and property back to normal, and we, therefore, take measures to prevent further damage from occurring during the restoration process. We can tarp and board up your home so it remains safe from the outside elements like rain, wind, debris, and individuals who may want to vandalize it.

If you have a fire damage emergency, the local restoration team at SERVPRO of Oxnard can work diligently to fix your property. We offer emergency response services around the clock and can get to your home within an hour of receiving your call. Contact us today at (805) 984-2347 for restoration services.

Click here to learn more about Oxnard, CA.

Evite más daños a su casa oxnard después de un incendio

7/15/2021 (Permalink)

Deja que SERVPRO te devuelva a tu vida.

Los incendios pueden emanar de diferentes áreas de una casa. Las áreas de almacenamiento populares como áticos, sótanos y garajes generalmente contienen riesgos de incendio como gasolina y otros líquidos inflamables. Después de un incendio, comenzar el proceso de limpieza y restauración de inmediato puede minimizar el daño a su hogar y su contenido.

El proceso de restauración de daños por incendios en las casas de Oxnard implica muchas cosas, incluida la limpieza, la reconstrucción y la desodorización. En SERVPRO, ofrecemos una amplia gama de servicios destinados a devolver a un hogar a la condición en la que estaba antes del incendio. Los daños causados por el agua ocurren comúnmente durante los esfuerzos para extinguir incendios. Dado que los incendios son tan destructivos, lo principal en lo que piensan los propietarios es en extinguir el fuego lo más rápido posible, independientemente de la cantidad de agua utilizada.

Es fundamental eliminar el agua rápidamente para evitar la infestación de moho. Nuestros técnicos están capacitados para lidiar con los daños causados por el agua. Podemos usar herramientas de termografía para encontrar cualquier humedad atrapada en las paredes y luego usar equipos de secado y deshumidificación para secar las áreas afectadas.

El hollín y la ceniza también pueden acumularse en su hogar después de un incendio, y pueden arruinar tuberías, metales y electrodomésticos. El hollín es ácido y puede arruinar las superficies en las que se asienta. Si un incendio con alto contenido de oxígeno dañó su hogar, podemos usar esponjas secas químicas o esponjas de limpieza en seco para eliminar el hollín. Si se trataba de un fuego con bajo nivel de oxígeno, podemos utilizar el método de limpieza de esponjas húmedas para eliminar el hollín. Los olores de humo pueden ser generalizados y pueden permear en muchas áreas de su hogar. Los professionales de la franquicia SERVPRO pueden utilizar foggers térmicos para neutralizar las partículas que causan olores.

Nuestra principal prioridad es que su vida y su propiedad vuelvan a la normalidad, y nosotros, por lo tanto, tomamos medidas para evitar que se produzcan más daños durante el proceso de restauración. Podemos lona y abordar su casa para que permanezca a salvo de los elementos externos como la lluvia, el viento, los escombros y las personas que quieran vandalizarla.

Si tiene una emergencia de daños por incendio, el equipo de restauración local en SERVPRO de Oxnard  puede trabajar diligentemente para arreglar su propiedad. Ofrecemos servicios de respuesta de emergencia durante todo el día y podemos llegar a su casa dentro de una hora de recibir su llamada. Contáctenos hoy al (805) 984-2347 para servicios de restauración.

Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre Oxnard, CA.

Why Should You Call Us After Your Oxnard Home Suffers Damage From A Wildfire

3/23/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's Deodorization Approaches After Oxnard Wildfire Damage

After fire loss incidents of any type, deodorization of smoke and other malodors is a necessary step for your Oxnard residence. With wildfires, homes can contend with soot and residues with high concentrations of these harsh odors, which can spread quickly from the affected areas of the residence throughout multiple adjoining rooms. Removing odors is a process that must get carefully calculated using the right equipment and SERVPRO cleaning products.

As tempting as it might seem for even our restoration professionals to focus on the immediate wildfire odor removal in Oxnard homes, some steps should come before this. Damaged areas of the house, for instance, can be a catalyst to amplifying the foul odor in the residence. While approaches like controlled demolition are rarely necessary, soot and residues can mar and stain surfaces to the point of making refinishing and restoration work impossible. Removing these compromised construction materials and contents can help to reduce the severity of lingering odors noticeably.

We have several unique approaches to removing odors from a household, especially those otherwise unaffected by wildfires in the vicinity. One of the most versatile of these options is our thermal fogger. Using a concentrated deodorization solution, these portable units can heat the solution into a thick vapor fog that emits from the lightweight machine. Because of its gas state, foggers have an easier time removing and neutralizing odors trapped in construction materials and soft contents like clothing, bedding, drapes, and carpets.

For odors that have not spread throughout the entire floors of your home, but remain localized to one or two rooms, ozone machines can also be useful as a last resort. With thorough sealing of these areas so that humans and pets cannot enter, these units can generate ozone, which bonds with odor compounds to neutralize them. NOTE: While ozone is hazardous to living things, it can dissipate within hours to return the area to its original condition.

SERVPRO of Oxnard exclusively uses Hydroxyl Generators for smoke and other organic odors.

Wildfires are a frequent concern for California residents, and even out of the direct path of these disasters, your home can still suffer the effects. Let our SERVPRO of Oxnard team help you; however, you need by calling (805) 984-2347.


For more about Oxnard click here.

Have you heard of Edith (E.D.I.T.H.)?

11/4/2020 (Permalink)

Exit Drills In The Home (E.D.I.T.H.) can help you in your Oxnard home prepare for and emergency. Most home fires occur at night when people are the least prepared. If you and your family have not practiced how to escape during an emergency, home fires can become a disaster.

How to Design Your Fire Escape Plan

To design your own fire escape plan, sketch the floor plan of your home on a piece of paper. Your plan should include all doors, windows and other areas from which you could escape from each room in your home. Draw arrows to indicate the normal exits which would be your primary escape route. With an alternate color, draw arrows to indicate a secondary exit from each room in the home. Make sure to include your meeting place.

Read the full article here at the Ventura County Fire Department.

¿Has oído hablar de Edith (E.D.I.T.H.)?

11/4/2020 (Permalink)

Los simulacros de salida en el hogar (E.D.I.T.H.) pueden ayudarlo en su hogar de Oxnard a prepararse para una emergencia. La mayoría de los incendios domésticos ocurren por la noche cuando las personas están menos preparadas. Si usted y su familia no han practicado cómo escapar durante una emergencia, los incendios domésticos pueden convertirse en un desastre.

Cómo diseñar su plan de escape en caso de incendio

Para diseñar su propio plan de escape en caso de incendio, dibuje el plano de la planta de su hogar en una hoja de papel. Su plan debe incluir todas las puertas, ventanas y otras áreas de las que podría escapar de cada habitación de su hogar. Dibuja flechas para indicar las salidas normales que serían tu ruta de escape principal. Con un color alternativo, dibuje flechas para indicar una salida secundaria de cada habitación de la casa. Asegúrese de incluir su lugar de reunión.

Lea el artículo completo aquí en el Departamento de Bomberos del Condado de Ventura.

Oxnard Homes that sustained Fire Damage CAN be cleaned and Restored!

9/24/2020 (Permalink)

Candle Damage SERVPRO® of Oxnard can restore your Oxnard Home from any type of fire including this fire that was caused by a candle! Call us at 805-984-2347

Unpredictable, fire can spread in seconds and decimate your Oxnard home in just minutes. Even smaller fires which are put out fast can result in a high repair bill. It's essential that you have the right insurance policy to help mitigate any financial losses from fire. However, it is much better to prevent the fire from happening in the first place if possible.

After a fire in your Oxnard home, you need fire cleanup services from a professional remediation company. At SERVPRO, we know how to handle any size fire damage situation due to our extensive training and experience. When you hire us, you know that your home is in good hands and that we do what we can to have you back in your residence as quickly as possible.

Fires can be chemical or electrical in nature. There are many classes of fires, depending on how they began. Cooking fires are the most common kinds of fires in homes. Grease is very flammable, and it is not easy to extinguish the flames once they start. Do not leave your kitchen while cooking anything with grease, as this is how many kitchen fires start.

Many times, during fire damage restoration, SERVPRO technicians pack out some of your possessions in your home and store them at a safe location while we work. The success of a move-out depends on us properly packing, tagging, and inventorying contents. It is an essential step of the process, and we ensure that we are very accurate, so the work site and all your possessions stay organized and safe. We handle everything with care as if it were our own and make sure that nothing gets damaged.

Faulty wiring or outlets being overloaded can create an electrical fire. If you plug something in that has a faulty cable, it could spark and start a fire. Your home’s wiring should be checked for a professional electrician, primarily if you reside in an older home.

Heat sources also cause fires when something combustible is too close to them. Whether a kerosene heater or an electrical heater, inspect them before using to make sure they are in good condition, including any wiring. Do not leave your home with one of these devices running.

SERVPRO of Oxnard are experts at restoring fire damage in your home in Oxnard or the surrounding areas. Make sure you ask us for help by dialing (805) 984-2347 once the flames are extinguished so we can stop even more damage from occurring.

Click here for more about Oxnard.

What's expected for the 2020 California wildfire season?

8/12/2020 (Permalink)

There was real concern – and good reasons for it – earlier this year about the potential for a prolonged 2020 California wildfire season. The state’s peak wildfire season typically runs from May through October, but wildfires can occur at any time. 

“The combination of a very dry January and an even drier February resulted in one of the driest first two months of any calendar year on record across much of southwestern California,” according to a statement from the National Weather Service’s Los Angeles forecast office at the time.

San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento and Redding, California, all had no rainfall for the entire month of February, breaking long-standing records. It was the first rain-free February for downtown San Francisco since 1864.

Read more at AccuWeather

The Safe and Efficient Fire Debris Cleanup Service Here in Oxnard

6/16/2020 (Permalink)

Fire Damage An Oxnard home after a kitchen fire.

Fires can be devastating, both literally and emotionally. Charred remains are an unpleasant reminder of the event and can be odorous, or worse unsafe. You need a qualified professional to sort through the debris, dispose of it properly in line with state or federal laws as well as to assess what can be salvaged and what cannot. We have a wealth of experience in dealing with cleanup operations after property disasters and can be trusted to provide a professional service to the community.

The type and scale of fire debris in Oxnard properties can vary greatly. Depending on the size of the fire there may be structural damage, charring on fittings and furniture or possessions. SERVPRO can help you with any size or scale of damage by using a range of equipment. Depending on your needs we can liaise with remodeling contractors on your behalf or send technicians with IICRC certificates in odor control and fire remediation.

One thing we can do on arrival is returned the home to a safe environment. That could include restoring power, removing hazardous materials or checking for other potential damages that may not be visible. We can also conduct a thorough pre-test to assess the type of materials burned and the type of residue left behind; different materials burn in different ways, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to cleaning them.

At SERVPRO we have access to a wide range of equipment. Where there are charred fittings, for example, we can use sandblasting to aggressively remove the visible signs leaving behind a smooth, clean surface. Equally, soda and ice blasting techniques can be useful in removing soot that has set into fabrics or furnishings. Our team find solutions on a case by case basis and can tailor the approach to your requirements.

After a fire, not all items are salvageable. Those that are not salvageable can be packed up and taken by SERVPRO for safe disposal. Our team is happy to remove any items and promise to clean up after themselves, leaving your home "Like it never even happened."

If you would like to know more, contact SERVPRO of Oxnard at (805) 984-2347 today.

Click here for more about Oxnard.

SERVPRO® of Oxnard restores an arsonist’s attempt of destruction.

3/10/2020 (Permalink)

Arson damaged stairs Fire Damaged Stairwell caused by arson.


This past February we received a call from a local insurance agent reporting that one of their policy holders had a small fire in her home. Fortunately, the home was vacant and undergoing some minor renovation. When arriving on site we also discovered the home was equipped with a fire suppression system (water sprinklers) that saved the home from complete destruction.

So, what did that leave us? A BIG MESS! Burned and melted carpet, smoke damage throughout the home, fire damaged drywall and framing, and a whole house water damage! No problem for SERVPRO® of Oxnard.


After assessing the damage (that could be seen) we drew up our scope of work and submitted it to the insurance company after which it was approved and work to restore the property the next day. WOW! We were in for a surprise!

  • The fuel that was used to start the fire had soaked through the carpet into the wood subfloor and the water from the sprinkler system spread it throughout the entire second floor.
  • It was also discovered that the sprinkler system had been installed on the main water for the home!
  • The staircase had so much damage from the fire that the water that absorbed into the wood frame caused it to swell and started to come apart.


At the time of this blog post, work on the home still continues. Our IICRC certified technicians are currently setting up a scissor lift to remove the 22-foot ceiling in the formal living/dining room and begin the actual smoke removal process from unaffected surfaces not damaged by water. Before we know it, we will be starting the build back and welcoming the homeowner back into their home.

At SERVPRO® of Oxnard, an IICRC Certified Firm, our commitment to you is to make it "Like it never even happened."

Call us at (805) 984-2347 for ANY of your fire, smoke, or water damage needs 24/7/365!

CA LIC# 892710  DOSH# 1052

We Act Fast To Limit More Damage To Your Oxnard Home

9/16/2019 (Permalink)

family room damaged by a fire covered in soot and smoke damage SERVPRO of Oxnard has the training, fire damage experience, and state-of-the-art equipment to restore your home to pre-damaged conditions.

When Your Guests Leave Fire Damage Behind in Your Oxnard Property, We can Help

From chaperoning overnight events for young adults to keeping your great aunt and uncle nearby during a holiday visit to Oxnard, guests can leave you with the unexpected. While many might tell you of such situations immediately, not all decide to provide this information, instead, letting you discover it later. 

Once discovered, you must take care of your Oxnard property, especially if fire damage occurred. The sooner we can start the necessary mitigation and restoration work, the less work we must do to achieve the goal of attaining pre-event condition. 

If the area involved is part of your primary residence, fire damage can affect your family directly. If a guest house or separate structure became damaged, this could provide us with extra space in which to work more efficiently.

Depending on the type of fuel consumed by the fire, the soot can produce stronger or weaker odors. Some soot types contain more oily residues, like protein fires from cooking. A slightly burnt roast can leave a small house reeking for a significant amount of time. We clean the light covering of soot away from interior surfaces by hand. This includes walls, ceilings, doors and cabinets, windows, and furniture.

Our technicians usually box up furnishings for a faster way to clean these items. We do this in a very organized manner, complete with an inventory listing of each item included in each box. This inventory list follows your items, allowing us to continually update it whenever needed. 

While one team cleans up smoke residue and deodorizes your property, another team works with our ultrasound bath. This equipment cleans many items of all types of foreign matter, including oils and other liquid by-products caused by fire.

When structural fire damage occurs, our building services department, under California State License Board (CSLB) # 892710, can handle tear-downs, debris removal, and rebuilding of the damaged areas. Having SERVPRO do both the cleaning work and all of the restoration work saves our customers time and money and reduces miscommunication between teams.

Many synthetics can also create toxic fumes that continue to off-gas long after the fire goes out and no longer burns. Our Odor Control Technician (OCT) can remedy this problem with a variety of deodorization applications. The method chosen depends significantly on the type of fire, as well as the structure and its contents.

SERVPRO of Oxnard mitigates fire damage in all types of residences. No job is too large or complex, nor too small or insignificant for us. Smoke residue can continue imparting terrible scents no matter how much you air out the premises. You can depend on us to clean, deodorize, and restore your guesthouse to preloss condition. Call us at (805) 984-2347 to start the process.

See more about Oxnard.

How Professionals Restore Fire Damaged Homes in Oxnard

8/6/2019 (Permalink)

Even this seemingly small fire can spread residue throughout the home, damaging your treasures. Call SERVPRO to help restore your home.

Loss Recovery Services after Fire Damage in your Oxnard home

Fires that burn at high temperatures create rising air pressure, temperature as well as significant damage to the structure of your home. Open windows can result in large soot deposits on the exterior walls of your home as well as residues within. These high temperatures and high-pressure fires can also cause synthetic to finish to bubble or melt on furnishings and fittings requiring extensive loss recovery services to get them back to normal. We offer local technicians who can assess the damages caused by a fire-related incident.  We then put in place practical solutions to get your home back to its preloss condition.

When there is fire damage in your Oxnard home, you should seek the help of a professional. A do it yourself attitude can be beneficial in maintaining your home. Clearing away smoke residues is a complicated procedure and, without the proper knowledge and equipment, you could end up spreading residues to unaffected areas causing further soiling. SERVPRO fire and smoke restoration technicians (FSRT) are specially trained to restore damages on walls or contents and reduce losses.

Here at SERVPRO, we train our technicians to operate with a restore over replace mentality. During a restoration service, these restorers can earmark certain items in the home, removing those that salvageable and earmarking them for storage at an external facility or on-site cleaning. Not all items are salvageable. Some may have to be disposed of or demolished, which is common in materials that have a porous nature and take on massive amounts of soot or residue.

When a fire burns for a long time in a property, you may find structure itself shows signs of damage. SERVPRO can pressure wash surfaces with significant soiling to discover whether the structure sustained harm. We can use sandblasting equipment to remove charring from surface layers or remove and clean the affected structure to prepare it for replacement from a third-party contractor. Sometimes, worn away finish can be sanded and refinished by SERVPRO technicians on-site without the need for enlisting a third party.

Professional restoration services can help to reduce losses in a damaged structure significantly. Contact SERVPRO of Oxnard at (805) 984-2347 today.

More about Oxnard.

How Pros Restore Your Fire Damaged Oxnard Home

5/6/2019 (Permalink)

You can trust SERVPRO of Oxnard to remove smoke and soot damage.

Why Oxnard Homeowners Should Not DIY Fire Smoke Cleanup

Fire damage brings several problems for a homeowner. Besides the direct damage from the fire, water damage from extinguishing the blaze plus the smoke residue and odor need addressing.

Fire smoke cleanup in your Oxnard home without proper equipment leaves your home open for secondary damages such as foul odors and mold. It is imperative to outsource the task to a professional mitigation company to avoid additional issues.

During the initial call, we gather information regarding the fire loss, and we often instruct the homeowner to avoid the area where the fire occurred and turn off the HVAC to prevent spreading soot in the ductwork.

When SERVPRO technicians arrive onsite, they test the smoke to see what kind of smoke is in the affected area of the home and contain the space to stop any further spreading of particles. Technicians remove objects and building materials too charred for restoration as they contribute only odors and the potential for spreading soot.

Depending on the type of smoke determined by testing, our technicians choose among three main kinds of cleaning methods: wet cleaning, dry cleaning, and peroxide-based cleaning.

Wet and dry cleaning uses sponges by hand or on poles and our proprietary formulas to attract soot to the sponge and remove it from walls and surfaces. Wet sponges work best with greasy films left behind by burned synthetic materials including plastic and rubber. Also, painted surfaces, wood and metal benefit from wet cleaning efforts. Dry sponges work on lighter, easier-to-remove smoke residues.

The application of peroxide-based cleaning happens on a case-by-case basis as it has the potential for bleaching. This method proves efficient for the removal of soot from acoustic ceiling tiles.

Once SERVPRO performs cleanup and disinfection on the fire loss areas, they inspect and clean the ductwork if needed. This action may include the use of professional equipment to neutralize lingering odors and filter change in the HVAC.

SERVPRO of Oxnard knows that even a small amount of fire damage leaves significant odors when inadequate fire smoke cleanup happens. Call us at (805) 984-2347, and our certified technicians will make your fire loss "Like it never even happened."

Click here for more about Oxnard.

Oxnard, in the Cross-Hairs of the "Camp Fire," Can Get Cleanup Help from SERVPRO

11/12/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Helps to Clean and Improve Air Quality in Oxnard Homes After the Wildfire Has Passed

Recovering from Fire Damages to Your Oxnard Home

From natural disasters to accidents that occur within your Oxnard home, fires can pose significant threats to your property. Knowing what to do when fire affects your house can be the difference between effective mitigation of the situation with limited reconstruction/remodeling and considerable structural damages. Our response team is available 24-hours a day to help you overcome the effects of this recent wildfire threatening the region, or fires that occur within the property that can cause their own widespread effects.

Among all of the fire damages that you can experience within your Oxnard home, many residents struggle the most currently with their need for premier cleaning services, indoor air quality concerns, and deodorization. The wildfire moving through the area and threatening properties does not impact every home or commercial structure directly, but can still leave debris, soot, and smoke throughout the interior of the property.

As our SERVPRO professionals arrive at your home, we begin to assess the full extent of the damage that your property has sustained and the suitable approach to returning it to preloss condition, whenever possible. This estimation of our services and their cost gets shared directly with your insurance provider if you determine that filing a claim is a cost-effective solution to restoring the damaged elements of your home.

Cleaning services for your home can help to remove the soot, debris, and soil from carpets, drapes, surfaces, textiles, and furniture. We strive to provide a comprehensive service for all of our customers so that the restoration process, and whatever it entails, all gets completed by our highly-trained SERVPRO technicians. We have the industry-leading tools to make short work of foul odors in your house and remove them permanently, such as our thermal fogging equipment, ozone machines, and hydroxyl generators.

From the initial inspection to the steps required to restore your fire-damaged property to its preloss condition, our SERVPRO of Oxnard fire restoration technicians can help. Our crew is ready to arrive when the wildfires subside. (805) 984-2347.

Here is more about the Oxnard Fire Department.

SERVPRO's Ultimate Guide To Fire Damage Restoration In Your Oxnard Home

9/25/2018 (Permalink)

Fire damages can appear in various ways throughout your Oxnard residence.

The Right Professional Restoration After A Fire In Your Oxnard Home

As a homeowner, you have likely encountered situations in the upkeep of your Oxnard residence that required professional experience. A great example of this might be a leaking pipe or faulty appliance that allowed for some water concerns throughout specific areas of your home. The same could get said about more widespread and substantial damaging situations like a fire.

Fire damages can appear in various ways throughout your Oxnard residence. While you might prioritize certain aspects of the work that needs to be done to bring your house back to the way it used to be, homeowners do not have the appropriate equipment or expertise to handle this situation on their own. More to the point, our SERVPRO technicians can respond quickly and have the industry-leading equipment to overcome any obstacle between your currently damaged home and its future completed restoration work.

From the moment that our highly trained technicians arrive at your house, we begin with a thorough assessment of the damage that has occurred from the incident. This assessment is often a requirement of the insurance provider for your house, cataloging the damage and estimating the overall cost to restore this damage back to preloss conditions. Our experts work directly with the insurance adjuster to help expedite the claims process and get the restoration process started as promptly as possible.

One of the benefits to choosing professional restoration through our SERVPRO team is that we have your interest at heart. From the first assessment of the damage to the completion of the restoration project, we're not satisfied with our work unless you are as well. This communication and relationship with our clients help us to not only build our reputation throughout the area but showcase our resolve to offer the best service.

When a fire impacts your home, restoring the damage is never something that you have to deal with on your own. Our SERVPRO of Oxnard professional restoration technicians is available 24/7 to respond quickly to any emergency that you might have and work quickly to mitigate the situation to help preserve the things that matter most to you. Give SERVPRO a call anytime that you need us at (805) 984-2347.

Click here for more about Oxnard.

We stop thieves taking rich pickings from wildfire-devastated communities

4/26/2018 (Permalink)

"There’s nothing more traumatic than fleeing a wildfire and knowing it’s going to devour your precious home. All your lifelong memories are about to be burned to the ground thanks to Mother Nature.

That’s the harsh reality hundreds of Californians are facing after America’s worst wildfire season ever recorded. The historic 2017 blazes torched hundreds of thousands of acres, and destroyed more than a thousand properties, many of which were family homes.

And there’s one more potential kick in the teeth for these devastated families. Fire-gutted communities are ripe picking grounds for heartless criminals focused on cashing in on other people’s misfortunes. 

“Criminals have been known to walk through burned out neighborhoods on the hunt for loose safes and other valuable items that survive fires. They steal the items, crack the safes, and sell things on – and there’s nothing the families can do about it,” said Jono Millin, co-founder of drone mapping software start-up DroneDeploy."

Read more at We stop thieves taking rich pickings from wildfire-devastated communities

All those green hillsides could mean more Southern California fires later this season

4/5/2018 (Permalink)

Photo: Anthony Plascencia/VC Star

"Grass-covered hills might look good now, but authorities say that could mean a busy fall and summer for firefighters.

Over the past several weeks, brush has gotten damper, greener and less likely to burn. Stands of tall, green grass have blanketed Ventura County and much of the state.

That’s good news. But there’s a downside: Like last year, there could be a significant amount of grass-fire activity, according to the Ventura County Fire Department.

“Grass is the main ignition source,” said county fire Capt. Ken VanWig. “It’s like the kindling in the fireplace.”

As the fine grass dries out, it becomes a bed of fuel that makes it easy for fires to start and to spread quickly."

Read more at All those green hillsides could mean more Southern California fires later this season

With storms coming, pre-evac advisory issued.

2/26/2018 (Permalink)

"Santa Barbara County has issued a pre-evacuation advisory for the Sherpa, Whittier, Thomas and Alamo Fire burn areas.

The warning is due to an approaching winter storm.

The National Weather Service is forecasting  the arrival of a storm Monday, Feb. 26,  in the late afternoon that is expected to continue into Tuesday, Feb. 27.

Rainfall amounts of less than 0.33 inches are forecasted.

The predications show a possibility of isolated rain totals in some areas of between 0.50 and 1 inch in area during thunderstorms.

The amounts are capable of producing minor debris flows and flooding below the Sherpa, Whittier, Thomas and Alamo Fire burn areas. 

County emergency officials and the National Weather Service are monitoring the situation and will alert the public."

Read more at Pre-Evacuation Advisory issued in Santa Barbara County burn area

The Triple Threat: Fire, Hoarding & Biohazard Cleanup

6/23/2017 (Permalink)

On a warm, sunny day back in June, I had the opportunity to check out some job sites with SunGlo Services Operations Manager Bob Graham. SunGlo is a large restoration company based in the Metro Detroit area. Bob and I had five or six stops to make across a rather large area of Southeastern Michigan as he checked in on the progress of some jobs, and some new work just coming in.

For me, this ride-along was an opportunity to see restorers and jobs in action – and not just try to learn about the work from behind a desk, or through reading articles. I can safely say it was a very eye-opening experience. One particular stop stands out.

Early Warning Signs

Late in the morning, we arrived at a home that had experienced a house fire overnight. The homeowner was there seeming to assess the scene, and someone from CRDN had also just pulled up to take a look at what soft contents in the home might be salvageable. The problem was… we couldn’t get into the home. The house had been boarded up and the fire marshal had put a lock on the door. I’m sure you’ve all been to scenes like this where the fire marshal is still investigating and hasn’t cleared it for restoration or cleanup yet.

Read more at The Triple Threat: Fire, Hoarding & Biohazard Cleanup

Oxnard fire fends off cancer with nanotechnology

4/26/2017 (Permalink)


"Dirty gear used to be a badge of honor for firefighters, but as cancer rates among responders rises, cleanliness has become the highest priority.


The Oxnard Fire Department — like other Ventura County agencies — has adopted that mindset and received delivery this month of new hoods that keep out microscopic carcinogens from absorbing into firefighters' skin.


Last summer when Alex Hamilton became an Oxnard Fire Department battalion chief, he delved into the science and learned that while breathing in these cancer-causing particles is dangerous, it's actually worse when they are absorbed into the skin.


According to a study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the levels of these particles were higher on the neck, throat and jaw line. In addition, the higher the temperature the more permeable the skin is."


Read more at Oxnard fire fends off cancer with nanotechnology

Remodeling 101: How to Choose a Home Fire Extinguisher

3/28/2017 (Permalink)

"Every home needs at least one fire extinguisher that’s kept readily at hand. And yet many homeowners either (A.) know they don’t have a fire extinguisher and don’t think it’s a problem (I’m embarrassed to admit I was in this category until I started researching this post), or (B.) own a fire extinguisher (or several) but have no idea how to operate it or even if it would still work in case of a fire. Here’s what you should know about fire extinguishers to help keep your home and family safe.

1. Do I really need a fire extinguisher in my home?

You do; every home should have at least one portable fire extinguisher installed in an easily accessible spot. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has determined that almost half the fires in the home occur in the kitchen, so that’s a good place to start."


Read more at: Remodeling 101: How to Choose a Home Fire Extinguisher

Green home emerges after fire

2/13/2017 (Permalink)

David Lauer photo

"A natural disaster cleared a property in the Colorado mountains, giving an architect and her family a blank slate. Instead of going the traditional route, they took the opportunity to build their green dream home.

Colorado architect Renée del Gaudio and her family were camping when they heard the news. One of the most destructive wildfires in the state’s history was ripping through their property in Boulder. Del Gaudio and her husband, Ross Wehner, had purchased the land just two years earlier, in 2008, with the hope of someday relocating there from Denver with their two small children. In the meantime, they’d leased a tiny cabin on the property to a college student—who was able to escape the blaze—but the structure was destroyed."

Read more and see the photos at: Green home emerges after fire

8 Essentials: Smoke alarms with smart designs

2/13/2017 (Permalink)

The Kupu photoelectric smoke alarm

"On the market recently: a slew of design-worthy and unobtrusive smoke alarms, from the popular Nest to new crowd-funded designs. Here are our favorite attractive (and high-tech) options.

Kupu Photoelectric Smoke Alarm by Finnish designer Harri Koskinen for Jalo Helsinki

Perhaps the most well-known smoke detector to come on the market recently is the Nest Protect,

The Kidde Silhouette Low-Profile Smoke Alarm protrudes a mere half inch from the ceiling once installed

The Gira Dual Q Smoke Alarm 

the battery-operated Chick-a-Dee Smoke Alarm by Dutch designer Louise van der Veld

At 1.5 inches across (the size of a golf ball), Cavius is “the world’s smallest” smoke alarm.

The nearly-identical Atom Smoke Alarm by First Alert

Currently in the preorder phase is San Francisco–based Birdi"

Check out the full article at 8 Essentials: Smoke alarms with smart designs