Remodeling 101: How to Choose a Home Fire Extinguisher
3/28/2017 (Permalink)
"Every home needs at least one fire extinguisher that’s kept readily at hand. And yet many homeowners either (A.) know they don’t have a fire extinguisher and don’t think it’s a problem (I’m embarrassed to admit I was in this category until I started researching this post), or (B.) own a fire extinguisher (or several) but have no idea how to operate it or even if it would still work in case of a fire. Here’s what you should know about fire extinguishers to help keep your home and family safe.
1. Do I really need a fire extinguisher in my home?
You do; every home should have at least one portable fire extinguisher installed in an easily accessible spot. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has determined that almost half the fires in the home occur in the kitchen, so that’s a good place to start."
Read more at: Remodeling 101: How to Choose a Home Fire Extinguisher