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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Be Ember Aware: Wildfire Safety Tips for Oxnard Residents

6/14/2024 (Permalink)

Here in Oxnard, sunny days are practically a guarantee. But with that sunshine comes an increased risk of wildfires. These unpredictable blazes can threaten our homes, families, and community. While we can't control the weather, SERVPRO of Oxnard wants to empower you to be prepared. Here are some crucial wildfire safety tips to remember:

Be Ready:

  • Know Your Risk: Ventura County experiences high wildfire dangers. Familiarize yourself with wildfire maps and evacuation zones. "https://www.vcemergency.com/"
  • Make a Plan: Create a wildfire evacuation plan with your family. Designate a meeting spot and discuss escape routes. Practice your plan twice a year. Include pets in your considerations! "https://vcfd.org/ready-set-go/"
  • Assemble a Go-Bag: Pack a backpack for each family member with essentials like water, non-perishable food, medications, important documents, and a change of clothes. Don't forget a flashlight, batteries, and a whistle! "https://vcfd.org/emergencies-disasters/"

Be Set:

  • Stay Informed: Sign up for Ventura County Alert (https://www.vcemergency.com/evacuation-terminology) to receive critical updates during wildfires.
  • Monitor Conditions: Keep an eye on weather forecasts and fire danger ratings. Look for signs of approaching fire like smoke or embers.

Be Go:

  • Evacuation Orders: If a mandatory evacuation is issued, leave immediately. Don't wait! Remember, time is of the essence.
  • Evacuation Warnings: Be prepared to evacuate if conditions worsen. Pack your go-bag and have your car fueled up.

Fireproof Your Home:

  • Clear Brush and Debris: Create a fire defensible space around your home by removing flammable materials like leaves, branches, and dead vegetation within 30 feet of your house.
  • Maintain Roof and Gutters: Keep your roof free of debris and clean your gutters regularly. Embers can easily collect in clogged gutters, igniting a fire.
  • Trim Trees: Overhanging branches can act as fire ladders, allowing flames to reach your house. Trim branches away from your house and power lines.

After the Fire:

  • Stay Away: Don't return home until authorities say it's safe. Re-entering a fire zone can be dangerous due to unstable structures, lingering embers, and hazardous air quality.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Oxnard: Fire can cause significant smoke and water damage. Our team is highly trained in fire restoration and can help you get back on your feet.

By following these tips and working together, we can all be better prepared for wildfires in Oxnard. Remember, SERVPRO of Oxnard is always here to help our community recover from disaster. Stay safe, Oxnard!

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